
There's a lot of Jesus in all this. Or Dionysus. Or Mithras. Dualisms.

Nietzsche I sense above all was revolting from the distinction between Is and Ought that is so powerful in Saint Paul and Saint Augustine, and underwrites so much of how much we all think now. So much so that we forget it wasn't always like this. The (Spenglerian Faustian) Superman is needed to break the (Spenglerian Magian) double binds this distinction ties us down with, it is imagined.

Yet this method makes the double binds worse. It doesn't address the roots of the dualism and intensifies the Is/Ought, Id/Superego and Authenticity/Acceptability conflict. Superheroes thus must always battle supervillains, nemesis generation deeply tied to their own existence, like Neo and Smith.

The distinction between Is and Ought is the ultimate and originary disbelief in the Oneness of destiny and the Real. I mean how can there be a difference if the Almighty and All Merciful exists, as metaphysics concludes that She must? There is no way to be outside of Her story. That is simple Logos, in firm mastery over Faustian imagination and desire.

There is no dark night of the soul for the devotee simply chanting Wahuguru/Krishna's name with one's whole being. It isn't a universal journey. Kali Yuga methods are simpler than Bronze Age ones. There's always opportunities to constantly make Tawba though, which the dark night is a species of, and we as peoples are each going to specialise in different kinds of error to turn back from, in returning to the One.


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Interesting! Thanks for sharing this insight.

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Shukr in returning for midwife-ing it.

I was just talking about Heath Ledger and his fatal explorations of The Rumbling Id the other day...

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